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What Minnesota Manufacturers are Doing to Address Hiring Difficulties

12/11/2019 6:00:00 PM

Finding workers to fill open jobs in manufacturing is more difficult now than any time since the start of the Great Recession. As hiring outpaces the number of applicants, manufacturing employers are ramping up investments in training and retention strategies, according to an article by Alessia Leibert in Minnesota Economic Trends magazine.

Overall, manufacturing employers reported hiring difficulties in 62% of vacancies. Workforce shortages are particularly acute in occupations such as computer-controlled machine tool programmers, machinists and mechanical engineering technicians. These roles now require more skills as a consequence of automated technologies, but the workforce hasn’t kept up with the new skills requirements. In addition to skills gaps, employers cite inconvenient work shifts, uncompetitive compensation and undesirable locations as reasons for hiring difficulties.

Some of the specific actions manufacturing employers have taken in response to hiring difficulties include trying to make the job more attractive to reduce turnover, increasing training for new hires, and partnering with schools to recruit or offer internships to help students pay for schooling. Many employers are offering their employees unique opportunities to access an affordable post-secondary education and receive marketable work-based training in exciting new technologies. These opportunities, combined with good pay, should not be overlooked by career explorers.

For a closer look at the research findings, read Hiring Difficulties in Manufacturing in Trends magazine.


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