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DEED Tool Helps Track COVID-19 Economic, Social Impacts on Minnesota

9/25/2020 5:28:31 PM

Commissioner Steve Grove

At the Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED), we know that data plays an important role in helping businesses and government officials understand the economic and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

That's why DEED's Analysis and Evaluation Office created a new visualization tool using data from the U.S. Census Bureau to provide easy access to relevant information to better assist Minnesotans in the recovery. The information is updated weekly as new data becomes available from the Census Bureau Small Business and Household Pulse Surveys and Business Formation Statistics.

This visualization tool includes several tabs with information divided into three categories:

Small Business Indicators

Provides a drop-down menu with survey data on business operations, employees, financial assistance, financial operations, future plans, impact and revenue.

Key results from the September 6-12, 2020 Small Business Pulse Survey:

  • 69% of Minnesota small business respondents indicated that the pandemic had a negative effect on their businesses to some extent, compared to 76% nationwide.
  • 41% Minnesota small business respondents indicated they expect to go back to normal operations in more than six months, compared to 44% across the country.
  • 72% of Minnesota small business respondents indicated they received assistance from the Small Business Administration's Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), far surpassing any other financial assistance programs in the state.

Business Applications

Tracks the percentage change in business applications from the same week a year ago for categories including business applications; business applications from corporations; business applications with planned wages; and high-propensity businesses.

Recent results:

  • Minnesota's weekly business applications – compared to the same week a year ago – dropped in March, April, May and the first week in June ‒ by anywhere from 4% to 35%. They recovered in late June and the first week of July, with an increase of 96% over the prior year.
  • Minnesota's weekly business applications from corporations during the lockdown dropped between 8% and 43% in March, April, May and June, recovering in July. The recovery was notable during the first week of August with a 50% increase.
  • For the first week of September, Minnesota received 1,120 business applications, a 65% increase compared to the same week a year ago.

Household Indicators

Features a drop-down menu with survey data on change in postsecondary education, difficulty paying for household expenses, expected loss of employment income, food scarcity, housing insecurity, likelihood of eviction or foreclosure, and telework.

Recent results from the Household Pulse Survey:

  • For the week of August 19, in response to the survey, 7% of Minnesotans reported being afraid of food scarcity, ranking eighth lowest nationwide.
  • For the same week, 3% of Minnesota respondents reported being afraid of housing insecurity, ranking 4th lowest in the country, representing a significant drop from the week of July 17 from 18.5%.
  • Telework was introduced on the second phase of the survey that started Aug. 19 – and 44% of Minnesota respondents reported teleworking, ranking 6th highest nationwide.

Take a look at this new visualization. While you're there, take a moment to scope out the other economic analysis information DEED has available.



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