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Contract Amendments


ssb-contract-amendmentsInformation for SSB community partners with Professional/Technical contracts is found on this page.

Amendment Instructions

SSB community partners may apply to amend their P/T contracts to adjust their service offerings in accordance with their business needs, the needs of individuals they work with, and the needs of the state VR program.

Amendment Process

Amendment Request Evaluation

  • DEED evaluates amendment requests based on three assessments: 1) the need for a particular service, 2) the provider's capacity to deliver the service, and 3) the proposed rate for the service.
  • "Service need" may include the needs of SSB individuals, the needs of the state SSB program, and/or the business needs of community partner organizations.
  • Rate Increases: If a community partner requests an increase in the rate for a service already on their contract, the community partner organization must provide a rationale for the rate increase. The requested rate increase must be acceptable to DEED's Administrative and Financial Services and the Minnesota Department of Administration's Office of State Procurement. Some questions to consider are: Is there a change in the external cost of the service? Is there a change in the regulatory environment? Is the provider changing or enhancing the service that makes the rate increase necessary?

Amendment Request Review and Amendment Development Process Step-By-Step

Detailed steps for processing an amendment request are described below. Some of these steps can take approximately 2 weeks and the whole process often takes about 2 months.

  • SSB staff prepares each request and amendment for review by SSB leadership - who approves or declines amendment proposal based on service need, provider's capacity, and proposed rates.
  • DEED-Administrative Fiscal Services (DEED-AFS) conducts a careful review of Community Partner's existing P/T contract and proposed amendment. If approved by DEED-AFS, DEED-AFS returns the contract amendment to SSB.
  • SSB sends P/T contract amendment to Community Partner for signature from email address. Partner returns signed amendment to SSB by email
  • SSB secures SSB Director's signature on P/T contract amendment and sends to DEED-AFS.
  • DEED-AFS submits the amendment to Department of Administration's Office of State Procurement for review and approval.
  • Office of State Procurement returns fully executed P/T contract, as amended, to DEED-AFS. DEED-AFS encumbers funds in SWIFT. DEED-AFS returns the fully executed amendment to SSB.
  • SSB Contract Specialist sends the fully executed P/T Contract, as amended, to community partner.
  • SSB requests DEED Communication upload the contract to DEED's external website. SSB updates WF1 with new amendment information. SSB notifies all SSB staff of new amendment.
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