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Your role and responsibilities

Paid Leave supports your employees when they need it most and strengthens connections in our families, communities, and workplaces. As an employer, you play an important role to help your employees learn about and access Paid Leave.

Submit quarterly wage detail reports

To determine eligibility and benefit payments for Minnesotans when Paid Leave launches in January 2026, Minnesota employers need to report wage details for their employees starting October 31, 2024. Paid Leave will use the same online reporting system as Unemployment Insurance (UI) to make things easier for employers.

No additional steps are needed from Minnesota employers if all of their employees are covered by UI, as the same account and quarterly wage detail reports will serve Paid Leave. If an employer has some or all of their employees not covered by UI they may need to create an account to submit wage details by October 31, 2024.

For more information on quarterly wage detail reporting, visit our employer resources toolkit.

Inform and educate

Paid Leave makes time for employees to take care of themselves and their loved ones during some of life's most important moments. By supporting employees when they need this leave, employers benefit from improved retention, morale, productivity when employees return to work, and stronger connections in the workplace.

By December 2025, employers must inform their employees about their rights and benefits under this new program. Minnesota Paid Leave will provide written materials, workplace notice posters, and other informational materials that employers can use to meet their requirements and support a culture of care through Paid Leave in their workplaces.

Submit Paid Leave premiums

Minnesota Paid Leave is funded by contributions called premiums which are collected by the state from employers. Beginning in 2026 when the program launches, employers will submit quarterly Paid Leave premium payments through their UI account for Minnesota Paid Leave.

Employers may split the cost of Paid Leave premiums with employees. Employers must pay at least 50 percent of the total premium, though they may choose to pay up to 100 percent of the premium. Employers will be able to deduct the remainder from employee pay, up to 50 percent of the total premium.

Employers may start deducting Paid Leave premiums from employee paychecks starting January 1, 2026, when benefits become available. The first premium payments for Paid Leave are due on April 30, 2026 from employers. The first premiums will be based on wage details reported between January 1, 2026, and March 31, 2026.

Access employer resources

Visit our Employer Resource Toolkit for additional information and resources on Minnesota Paid Leave.

Find answers to commonly asked questions from employers and submit your own.

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