The Occupational Staffing Patterns data table shows Minnesota employment by occupation for each industry.
The Occupational Staffing Patterns is a matrix of Minnesota employment by occupation and industry which allows you to see how many workers in a particular occupation work in a particular industry, or how many workers in a particular industry work in a particular occupation.
The primary source is the Occupational Employment Statistics program. Surveyed employers are asked about the number of wage and salary workers in detailed occupations. OES survey samples are drawn from the universe of non-farm employers covered by the Unemployment Insurance (UI) system. In Minnesota, approximately 6,000 employers participate in the survey each year.
Occupations are classified using US Department of Labor's Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) typology. Industries are classified using US OMB's North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS).
For more Minnesota OES data use the Occupational Employment Statistics tool
Viewable and downloadable tables.