February 2019 - Minnesota Employment Review
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Where Does of All of Minnesota's Income Come From?
Where do Minnesotan's get their money? How do we compare with other states? Here is the answer.
Having a Senior Moment
There are at least two sorts of seniors in Minnesota. This is about the other one.
Minnesota Industry Snapshots
Here are the inaugural NAICS Snapshots. We hope you enjoy them since there will be a lot more.
Southeast Minnesota - A Health Care Powerhouse
Southeast Minnesota is known around the world for the healthcare it provides. A lot of different jobs come with the industry, and some pay quite nicely.
Fun With Statistics
Here’s the Cliff Notes version of the feature on where Minnesotans get their money. It may even be more fun than the original.
Regional Analysis
An analysis of the current month’s employment picture broken out by Metropolitan Statistical Area.
Minnesota Economic Indicators
A comprehensive look at economic indicators for January 2019, including the Minnesota and U.S. Indices.
Local Area Unemployment Statistics
The Local Area Unemployment Statistics or LAUS tool provides labor force, employment, and unemployment estimates.
Current Employment Statistics
The Current Employment Statistics (CES) Program, a monthly survey of 5,900 nonfarm employers, provides monthly data on employment by industry. The data offer a snapshot of the health of the economy.