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Oriane Casale


Oriane Casale is Assistant Director of the Labor Market Information Office of the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). Oriane has a B.A. from the New School for Social Research in New York and an M.A. in public affairs from the University of Minnesota.

Recent articles

Year In Review: Minnesota’s Labor Market
June 2024 - MN Economic Trends

Minnesota Early Care and Education Workforce: An Overview
March 2024 - MN Economic Trends

The Labor Force Experience of Minnesotans with Disabilities
September 2023 - MN Economic Trends

Minnesota's Direct Care Workforce
June 2023 - MN Economic Trends

Year in Review: Minnesota's Labor Market (with Nick Dobbins)
June 2023 - MN Economic Trends

Youth Summer Employment During the Pandemic Recession
May 2023 - MN Employment Review

How Did We Help You in 2022?
November 2022 - MN Employment Review

Recovering from Recession: Employment & Labor Force Trends (with Nick Dobbins)
June 2022 - MN Economic Trends

Youth Summer Employment Update: Many Opportunities for Young People Now
March 2022 - MN Employment Review

Labor Market Trends During the Pandemic Recession: Jobs, Vacancies, Unemployment, and Labor Force Participation in Minnesota
June 2021 - MN Economic Trends

Letter from the Director
June 2021 - MN Economic Trends

Minnesota Early Care and Education Wage Scale
March 2021 - MN Economic Trends

Youth Summer Employment During the Pandemic Recession
March 2021 - MN Employment Review

The Case for Diversifying Construction
December 2016 - MN Economic Trends

Measuring Unemployment
March 2014 - MN Economic Trends

Minnesota's Low-Wage Sector (with Mustapha Hammida)
December 2013 - MN Economic Trends

Another Sign of the Labor Recovery
September 2013 - MN Economic Trends

Leisure and Hospitality in the Arrowhead
June 2013 - MN Economic Trends

Life After Ford (with Amanda Rohrer)
June 2013 - MN Economic Trends

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