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Minnesota is a great place for innovation

12/14/2017 4:00:00 PM

Minnesota is a great place for innovation – it’s embedded in our identity. Earlier this year, Minneapolis was named as one of the best startup cities in the Midwest.

Minnesota annually ranks among the top five states in new patents per capita and is home to leading technology businesses. DEED’s #InnovateMN campaign highlights contributions of Minnesota’s innovation economy and connects next gen entrepreneurs to available resources.

DEED programs and services – Small Business Assistance, Angel Loan Fund, Minnesota Emerging Entrepreneur Loan Program, and Research and Development Tax Credit are some programs that can help innovators and entrepreneurs achieve their business goals. Find out more.

Higher education and research institutions – Are you seeking expertise? A research partner? Professional education opportunities? Higher education and research institutions across the state help drive innovation and support entrepreneurship.

Associations and trade groups – Many associations and trade groups are working to improve the state’s ecosystem for entrepreneurship and innovation.

Angel investor groups and funds – Various angel and entrepreneur associations exist to provide funding for innovative startups and entrepreneurs.

Networking and mentoring groups – Many organizations and groups offer networking and mentoring opportunities to innovators and entrepreneurs. Most offer regular learning opportunities.

Support services and space – This includes professional developments programs, information providers and collaborative working spaces in locations across the state.

Competitions and events – From MN Cup – the largest statewide startup in the country – to smaller award programs, competitions are a great way for startups to boost their visibility. Conferences and other events provide information and networking opportunities.

We encourage Minnesotans and Minnesota companies to share their #InnovateMN stories on social media.

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