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Budget for One Minnesota: Community Prosperity

3/18/2019 9:00:00 AM

Prosperity and opportunity for all people in all parts of our state stems from the well-being of their community.

Governor Tim Walz’s budget ensures that communities are thriving – not just surviving. His budget expands access to affordable childcare and housing, invests in infrastructure and broadband internet, and gives local leaders the tools they need to succeed.

In total, the Budget for One Minnesota represents an investment of $432 million in community prosperity investments over the next two years, with an additional $1.9 billion in transportation and infrastructure.

DEED Request: Community Prosperity Grants Program

The Community Prosperity Grants Program will provide grants to the state’s local and regional communities to engage in innovative economic development projects that support economic growth and equitable prosperity. There is an equity and inclusion impact: Racial and ethnic groups, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups, persons with disabilities and veterans could be specifically targeted by and/or directly impacted by this proposal.

Grants have a Greater Minnesota bent: They will focus on communities 5,000 or under and provide up to 85 percent in matching grants to local government units or 501(c)3 organizations that are partnering with one or more local government units.

Funds can used for projects and programs that help (1) support private investment, business attraction, and business growth, (2) provide support for entrepreneurs and (3) provide resources to train, attract or retain workers.

Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis; and grantees will be encouraged to leverage existing local and state funding sources.

The Governor is requesting $2 million in FY2020 for the Community Prosperity Grants Program.

What’s Behind the ‘Ask’

Minnesota’s 853 cities, 87 counties, seven Anishinaabe reservations, four Dakota communities, dozens of special districts, political subdivisions, and hundreds of non-profit agencies work to support the growth and prosperity of their communities. Despite statewide economic recovery and growth since the Great Recession, the benefits have not reached all communities equally.

Many communities still suffer from above average unemployment rates, lower wages, below average labor force participation, low availability and high cost of housing and child care, out-migration of prime-age workers, and difficulty attracting qualified workers to their region.

A wide range of existing programs assist communities in achieving and enhancing growth and prosperity. Community Prosperity grants will fill in where existing local and state funding sources are unavailable and will allow communities to better leverage those funding sources.

Economic Development



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