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Enhanced unemployment benefits are ending soon; join us this month to learn how CareerForce can help you find work now

8/4/2021 8:50:25 AM

Commissioner Steve Grove

If you are receiving unemployment benefits through Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) or Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), and are receiving an additional $300 a week on top of your regular unemployment benefits, the last week those additional benefits will be available is the week ending September 4, 2021.

Request the last payable week of PEUC on or after September 5, 2021

To verify which unemployment benefits you are receiving, you can look in your unemployment insurance account. You will also be receiving official notification in the mail from DEED’s Unemployment Insurance office.

As we know, this will be a time of transition for many Minnesotans, and we will host three webinars this month that you can join to learn how CareerForce can help you find a job or new career path – at no cost to you.

CareerForce is Minnesota’s workforce system and DEED plays a key role in this essential work of connecting residents with family-sustaining jobs and employers with the workers they need for their businesses to grow and thrive. Since March, DEED staff have called more than 60,000 Minnesotans receiving unemployment benefits, and in every conversation, we’ve shared the CareerForce resources to help them with their job search.

The three webinars will be held on:

You can also reach out to CareerForce today to answer your questions about finding employment, to get ready to apply for jobs or prepare for interviews, and more.

Contact CareerForce today!

651- 259-7500



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